Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Mr. Married..who I'm dating.

I woke up this afternoon from a half drunken sleep and realized I’m dating a married man. A 49 year old married man. I’m not sleeping with him. Obviously. He’s married. He just takes me out a lot, texts me “goodnight,” and emails me musical greeting cards.
Now maybe Mr. Married wants to make me happy. Maybe he just really loves my charisma, my youthful energy, my fashion sense. Maybe he wants to show me the world (a.k.a Los Angeles). Even though I’ve lived here six years, I’ve seen very little of it with him. I’m not one to even date older men. Except for the few I met through that website “oldergentlemeninsearchofyoungladies.com”. Which, by the way, I only joined because it is undeniably impossible to meet a boy, guy, man, in LA who is worth even two minutes of the 25 years I would put into trying to change him. So, yeah, I gave online dating a try. I figured I deserved a sugar daddy for a few weeks. Well Mr. Married found me on his own, sans website. You’ve gotta give him props for getting a 26 year old hot blonde right? I mean, I do.
How did we meet? I work in advertising. Advertising is not as glamorous as it sounds. I work in a small firm in Culver City. The walls are gray. My parking spot is the worst one in the garage. I don’t get special perks or free stuff. Well, once I got a free vibrator. But I wasn’t at work.
I really just hate working. I would prefer to gab on g-chat with my friends while they are at their respective jobs than ever attend a department meeting, or even answer a phone. If you’ve never heard of g-chat it’s the chat on Google Mail. Changed my life. They should make t-shirts.
So Mr. Married is a client of one of our sales reps. We met at this ridiculous sales and clients “party” at a cocktail lounge in Venice Beach. Clients flew in from various US cities and we all schmoozed and boozed. I did more boozing than anyone. I did get reprimanded for my behavior at the “party” the following week, but it was just a warning for my “inappropriate demonstration with a barstool and perhaps could I wear pants next time?” Uh. This is a shirt-dress. Whatever.
Anywho, Mr. Married was at the shindig, got my number, and started his courtship.
I don’t know if you work in advertising/sales or not but there is a heavy layer of hanky panky involved in every transaction. The sales reps date the clients. The clients’ wives date the department heads. I’ve flown to Colorado to ski, New Orleans to drink, and NY to dine. And drink. I sound like an escort. Well we’re all in sales.
Mr. Married doesn’t hold my hand. He doesn’t try to kiss me. He just takes me to lovely dinners and always has a gift for me. I know often men seek out one thing from women but I want to see the best in my married man. Maybe he’s having trouble in his marriage and needs a companion. Maybe he just wants my friendship for the time being. I can do that. I just don’t know how or when to cut it off. How do you break up with your married non-boyfriend?


  1. oldergentlemeninsearchofyoungladies.com <--- I really want this to be a website. so much so that i think it should be your sister site (or brother site, as it were)

  2. no no, THIS is my favorite! LOL
